So, did you just 'be'? Even for a while?
Haha.... For those of you who are wondering at this abrupt start can read the previous post by clicking here.
For those who have already read it & still haven't tried out 'just being' please give it a shot soon.
Getting back to the topic: 'This experiment can make you - or - break you!' I've been a Science student and will write in true Journal Fashion.
APPARATUS: A Magnifying glass, a paper/ leaf, the sun and you.
EXPERIMENT: Take a magnifying glass (one which has that round glass lens at the top and a lollypop type handle at the bottom, got it?) and hold it. Look through it and you will notice that things are out of focus and hazy.
Adjust it at a suitable distance from your eyes and bingo: you get a clear magnified image of the object you focused on. Now take a paper or a leaf and focus the sun's rays on it such that you get a small, bright yellowish spot on the paper/leaf. Give it some time and you see things go black. Smoke appears and you might end up burning a hole through the object. You want the real hibbie-jibbies, try focusing the sun's rays on your hand...not for too long off-course!
OBSERVATIONS: As the sun's rays converge on the object, there is focus of tremendous amount of heat, enough to burn a hole. When you look at objects by focusing the lens on them, their image converges to form a clear picture on your retina giving you a clear picture..
CONCLUSION: The Magnifying Glass is a Magnificent instrument with a variety of uses.
TEACHER'S REMARKS: The title of this post needs correction. The correct title is- 'THE EXPERIMENT THAT CAN MAKE YOU - or - BURN YOU!'
Yeah folks, we all are performing this experiment every single moment & either getting made or getting burnt. It's happening all the time & yet we don't realize it. Still don't get it?
No problem.
In the above experiment,
Replace the magnifying glass with your mind;
Replace the paper/leaf with an object or anything that you crave for or absolutely detest, could be something positive or negative, conflicting or pleasing, anything;
Replace the sun with your thoughts which in a sense is energy;
But keep you as YOU only...
Ringing any bells??? You bet...
You look at everything, attach objectivity and reason out stuff with the most powerful magnifying glass- your mind. Just like different lenses have different optical strength's, each one of us has a unique mind which is different from other minds courtesy our up-bringing, our past conditioning, our knowledge & skills and various other factors.
As a result, people have different mindsets and tonne's of ways of looking at life & facing situations that form part of life. (Just like the famous adage- 'the glass is either half empty or half full')
However, the basic purpose of the magnifying glass is- 'expand that which is focused upon' and your mind being just like a lens- 'expands everything that it focuses on!'
This simply happens because your thoughts (energy) positive or negative, good or bad, are converged by your mind on the object or thing or circumstance or absolutely anything you crave for or have aversion against. As I said- WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS and hence you get more and more of those things into your life. If you focus your thoughts on good, positive things, you will be able to see a good picture which will MAKE your life in the way you want.
However, if the power of your thoughts (burning like the sun's scorching heat) are focused on negative or self-detrimental issues, then god bless you, you will BURN!
Ponder over this thought and you will realize that 'its worth its weight in platinum!'
If your thinking has done good for you till now, then really, GOOD FOR YOU!
But what if you've already done enough damage to yourself by negative thinking?
Well, there's a way out and the answer lies with the last apparatus- YOU!
Tooo much of a good article ain't good so you'll have to wait for the next article where I talk about the powerful- YOU and how you can direct your 'thought ray's' to creating the picture of your dreams! Before I give you that, I need you to help me out by 'focusing' your mouse pointer on the 'tell-a-friend' icon below and 'expanding' the reach of this article and this blog to your friends. Do this if you want to spread this thought. Do this if this article got you thinking. It only takes a while! Thanks.
The next few posts will explore this 'life-experiment' further so hold on till then. In the mean time, I'd like to know your comments on this experiment.
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