It's that time of the year again...where the past is forgotten and where everyone looks forward to
start afresh; Where old promises (fulfilled or not) are reviewed and fresh ones are made; where everyone bids goodbye to one year to welcome a new one.
2008 has been one hell of a year. It managed to surprise everyone, either pleasantly or unpleasantly.
But that's it... as we all look forward to yet another year, the only thing we can be rest assured about is that 'CHANGE' is the order of the year. Things are changing constantly and adapting to these is gonna be a task for all. So while we grapple with our mundane lifestyles which are all set to change dramatically thanks to major events taking place all over the globe, we need to make firm resolutions and abide by them devotedly. Gone are the days where 'resolutions are meant to be broken' was the easy way out. If I were to rephrase it aptly keeping current times in minds, I'd say 'Stick to your resolutions or they will break you!'
So, whats the BEST NEW YEAR RESOLUTION for 2009?
For some it could be kicking a bad habit (excessive smoking/alcohol/drugs) or losing weight (or gaining in my case!) or reading daily or investing regularly or controlling their anger or whatever!
GOOD! Your intention to do so solves half the problem... but its the other half that's the hardest, the ACTION part!
I've been one of those resolution breakers too but I've come across some concrete advice that's definitely going to bring about positive changes in me and my life. So what is this 'priced' possession?
Well, its a combination of:
1. A Plan,
2. A Ready Reckoner/Reminder &
First of all, have a goal. Set it. Like they say, 'have a goal and bend every angle towards achieving it.' I call it a plan because it is a detailed set of instructions/steps to be taken to reach the goal, like a blueprint. So first thing- PREPARE A BLUEPRINT OF YOUR GOAL.
Secondly, have a ready reckoner/reminder (a book, a white board, a chart paper, your computer desktop or your mobile phone). This is the most important part (the ACTION part) as it stands to constantly remind you of your plans and tells you to keep your ass movin'. I say this because- 'when your ass is on fire, efficiency is higher!'
Make notes and action steps (like a to-do list and cross out whats already done). You will feel relieved trust me!
Lastly, the SCARY SECRET!
I've read a couple of books recently and they talk about a technique that I call 'kick the butt and get out of the rut'. What is it?
What this means is that by trying to do one new/exciting/scary thing everyday for the next 365 days, on 31st December, 2009, you will be equipped with 365 new ideas/ techniques/ choices/ skills/ experiences/ _________ (fill in).
Just imagine the power of this simple yet life changing possibility.
One valid question sure to arise: 'is it practically possible to do one new/scary thing everyday?'
Thankfully, the answer is YIPEEE YAHOOO YESS!!! IT IS POSSIBLE!
The idea is to do one NEW/ NEVER DONE BEFORE thing everyday which could be reading something you've never read before, trying out a new dish, exploring a new website, making a new friend, cutting down one cigarette everyday, following a new diet pattern, taking guitar lessons, learning a magic trick, not brushing teeth for a week, visiting a new city, knocking down your foes, inviting Warren Buffett for dinner, etc (excuse me if I've mentioned something
wrong, I just tried losing my head today)
The above list of things to do everyday is just limited by your imagination and your interests and your drive to actually learn something new. One more crucial ingredient is to have a 'positive mindset' & Richard Branson's 'Screw it, lets do it' attitude. You might fail 99 times, but at the end of it all, you will atleast know how 'not to do the thing' rather than never having tried at all.
I'm sure 2008 has frightened us all enough and we all are quite immune to being scared.
So scare yourself just a lil' bit more and see the changes that you bring about in yourself in 2009.
I'm scaring myself tomorrow by booking my 'first online flight ticket'...how are you gonna scare yourself?
I'd love to know your scary strategies so that I may also learn in the process. General comments are also welcome.
Its 12:00 am. 1st January 2009!
Wish you all a very happy new year!
I ended my last post by saying- BE HAPPY.
I end this by saying- BE SCARED! (you know how!)
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